Saturday, March 26, 2011

Letter #65 from Maryland

Letter #65 comes from Mary who lives in Maryland.She lives close to Baltimore.She has been involved with mail projects for about three years now.She's visited Virginia before.She recommended that we visit the Visionary Art Museum since it's her favorite place.Even though we have been to DC a few times,we never went to Maryland since we weren't sure what to see since most of our trips were last minute trips since we live about 4 hours west of DC,so it's not too far for us to take day trips.

Mary works at a psychiatric rehab center where she teaches classes to adults with mental illnesses and she also attends college.She is a psychology major.

Mary's favorite form of mail is postcards....ours is,too. :) Well,I have actually stopped but my daughters still exchange postcards on's always fun to get a postcard from a suprise country.We also have traded on the forums for postcards that we really like.So far,we have well over 100 postcards at last count a few months back,but we have gotten many more recently so maybe we could have 200 by now.

Mary loves the color yellow and loves glitter (me too!).My oldest daughter just won a book titled Waking up in the Land of Glitter....we're excited to read about anything dealing with glitter. :) She said she would be taking a picture of our letter and posting it on the 365 days of mail art challenge website,so we need to check that out.Thanks so much for helping spread the word,it's much appreciated and really needed to reach our goal.Here is Mary's letter below:

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