Thursday, July 14, 2011

Letter #202 from Texas

Letter #202 comes from Sharon in Texas.She has lived in Texas all of her life,except for the time when her husband was in the Air Force.Sharon has been married for an amazing 33 years!She also has a son who is in the Air Force and plans to make a career of it.She says in order to do that,he has to stay a minimum of 20 years,so he has already completed half of that term.Unfortunately,his wife died last year,leaving behind three small children.Since her passing,he was able to transfer to be closer to home so Sharon could see the grandkids more.I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for the children since they are so small.She gets to drive up to Oklahoma once a month to visit them and she loves it.She says the kids are so funny and a joy to be around.She also told us that her only sibling had passed away days after her daughter-in-law had passed.I can't even imagine having to go through so much so quickly,but I always hear it gets a little better day by day.She says that since then she has been finding heart shaped rocks and heart shaped clouds and it helps her feel a little better.I know I have said this before,but I will say it again,I think the best thing we can do is try to live the best we can because I don't think our loved ones would like seeing us on earth so sad.Yes,it's good for us to get our emotions out,but we also need to be able to pick ourselves up and make the most with the loved ones that are still with us.Life is too short,so we should cherish every moment we have with our loved ones.

Sharon lives on just over 27 acres in a cedar log home that her father built.There is even an abandoned cemetary on her property that dates back to the 1800's.The only remaing headstones are of a father and his two young boys.She found out the history of the cemetary  by searching recors at the library.While searching,she found out that her property used to be a stagecoach stop in the 1850's.

She also shares her property with an array of wildlife.They have deer,skunks,armadillo,opossums,raccoons,rabbits,foxes, and recently has been having wild hogs,which she is not happy about.They also have a variety of birds,such as cardinals,blue jays,mockingbirds (the state bird),wrnes,black capped chickadees,mourning doves and various finches,woodpeckers and owls,just to name a few.She has also seen roadrunners,a pileated woodpecker and her husband spotted  a golden eagle that was in the dog pen one morning.

Sharon says she is really a city girl so it was hard for her to live in the country,but after almost 20 years,she's almost adjusted to it. :) There are many things she enjoys about the country,such as the open space,wildlife,no neighbors close by to hear and she also loves the sounds of the cicadas.Living out in the country does have its drawbacks,such as no big libraries,limited variety of stores,and no sidewalks,just to name a few.Oh yeah,she also doesn't like the many scorpions that have been really bad this year,also the occasional poisonous snake which trapped her in her own laundry room...yikes!She also doesn't like that her husband has to drive 60 miles one way to work,but like everything in life,you have to make some sacrifices to enjoy some other things in life.

Sharon has many hobbies,one of them is quilting.She now focuses on making mini quilts or art quilts.I love quilts,but don't have relatives that do any type of crafting,so I really need to learn it one day.My daughter has been wanting one for her doll.She also enjoys beading and selling her items on etsy.She also enjoys taking photographs and turning them into postcards.She is also a beginner painter and knitter....I told you she has many hobbies. :)

Thanks Sharon for your lovely letter,postcards and mini moo cards of photos she took,which can be seen below:

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